Shaping a sustainable future

What we have set ourselves

At Fraunhofer ISC, we are actively committed to ma­king a significant contribution to a sustainable and climate-neutral future.


In order to make our activities at the site sustainable, we have started to record all relevant aspects of our activities. As a first step, we have identified the key sustainability issues for us based on our greenhouse gas accounting (in accordance with the GHG Protocol).

Our areas of work, which include materials, processes, analytics and applications, have the typical environmental impact of an innovative chemical company. Our research is associated with a high consumption of energy (electricity and heat), water and other resources and involves the use of bio- and hazardous substances, which results in corresponding waste. Further CO2 emissions are caused by the consumption of electricity and heat as well as by employee mobility, including business trips and commuting.
The task now is to define appropriate measures to ensure a continuous and sustainable focus.

Our long-term goals are based on reducing greenhouse gas emissions, improving energy efficiency, promoting renewable energies and reducing waste.

We are already working on implementing an energy management system in accordance with DIN EN ISO 50001. We have drawn up a list of measures as part of the introduction process. The next step will be a financial and technical assessment before a step-by-step implementation begins. The use of photovoltaics on suitable roof areas is already in the final planning stage. We are also actively involved in the Fraunhofer Energy Efficiency and Climate Protection Network, which promotes support in building up process knowledge as well as mutual assistance and cooperation.

In addition to energy savings, we pursue a holistic approach that aims to enable the organization and our employees to align their internal structures and processes with sustainability.

Innovative materials management - achieving more with less


Material-based research and development forms the foundation for sustainability along the entire value chain.

It is time to learn how we can use resources sensibly for as long as possible in order to promote sustainable development. In particular, the recycling of valuable raw materials from products and materials and the search for sustainable alternatives are becoming increasingly important due to the energy transition. In materials science, changing requirements for primary, often critical resources, such as PV modules for solar systems, batteries for electric vehicles or medical research, play an important role.

We rely on the use of renewable and environmentally friendly raw materials as well as intelligent and sustainable processes. With our innovative technologies, we make a significant contribution to enabling sustainable development and production. Our research aims to make animal testing unnecessary, preserve valuable works of art and invest in a climate-neutral future.

In our sustainable actions in the organization and in research, we want to be guided by the three principles of sustainability: Efficiency, Consistency and Sufficiency.

Efficiency principle

Efficiency principle

Sustainability Efficiency strategy
© pexels

Efficiency pursues the approach of using the required resources more profitably and more productively

One research focus of the Fraunhofer Center for High Temperature Materials and Design HTL in Bayreuth is improving the material and energy efficiency of industrial heating processes. To date, more than 10 % of primary energy in Germany has been used for industrial heat treatment. There is considerable potential for savings and quality improvements.
Within the organization, we have set ourselves the goal of using energy more efficiently and promoting a more conscious use of this resource.


WEBSITE Fraunhofer HTL

Women in science

Female scientists give an insight into their research work at Fraunhofer ISC

EU projects

With an excellent record of European collaboration and a large international network of research partners, we offer a broad range of expertise in applied materials science across all sectors.

Climate Strategy

Development, application, demonstration of holistic solutions for climate-friendly organizations: Fraunhofer as a role model for administration and science.


Principle Responsibility

The Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft is convinced that responsibility and integrity form an essential basis for long-term success.


The Mission

The Fraunhofer network makes a significant contribution to anchoring the concept of sustainability in corporate policy and communication. It now includes 21 institutes and facilities.