
We are always looking for interns (at least 6 weeks) as well as bachelor and master students (at least 6 months) to carry out experimental work.

We demand and encourage committed and independent work and offer an environment of young, motivated colleagues. Modern laboratories, the latest methods of instrumental analysis and extensive equipment are at your disposal.
We will be happy to provide more detailed information on current topics upon request.


Fraunhofer ISC Würzburg Job and Career Internship

Field of Study: Materials Science/Mineralogy/Chemistry

Work tasks arise from the following topics of applied materials R&D:

  • Coating of ceramic fibers
  • Manufacture and structure optimization of piezo-electrical ceramic fibers
  • Manufacture and structure optimization of ceramic reinforcement fibers, e.g. AL203, SiBNC, SiC
  • Manufacture of samples
  • Materials characterization through electron microscopy


Field of Study: Chemistry and Nanostructure Technique

Work tasks arise from the following topics of applied materials research:

  • Synthesis of metal-organic sol-gel precursors
  • Manufacture of ceramic thin layers for energy technique or optics
  • Thin layer characterization with innovative characterization methods

Your local contact

Madeleine Halebi

Contact Press / Media

Madeleine Halebi

Team Recruiting (Master's students, Bachelor's students, internships)

Fraunhofer Institute for Silicate Research ISC
Neunerplatz 2
97082 Würzburg, Germany

Phone +49 931 4100-104