Material development from Würzburg
for energy, environment and health

Materials meet grand challenges

The Fraunhofer Institute for Silicate Research (ISC) is recognized as a leading European hub for materials-focused research and development across the domains of energy, environment, and health. With approximately 380 employees, the institute is dedicated to pioneering advancements in innovative materials and technologies for sustainable products and processes. Current research endeavors span battery materials and recycling, high-temperature materials, bio-based alternatives, PFAS-free solutions for packaging and textile enhancement, materials for the hydrogen economy, sensor technologies, as well as materials and processes tailored for biomedicine, pharmaceuticals, and cosmetics.

The research departments at the headquarters and at the Translational Center for Regenerative Therapies in Würzburg and at the Center for High Temperature Lightweight Construction (HTL) in Bayreuth have extensive expertise in materials science as well as many years of experience in manufacturing, processing and upscaling to pilot scale.

Furthermore, the Fraunhofer ISC encompasses the Fraunhofer R&D Center Electromobility Bavaria, the Center Smart Materials and Adaptive Systems, and the Application Center "Textile Fiber Ceramics" at Hof-Münchberg University of Applied Sciences. Interconnected within the Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft and with numerous research institutions and companies both within and outside Europe, the institute actively engages in a plethora of national and international collaborative projects.

The distinctive blend of material, processing, application, and analytical know-how at Fraunhofer ISC lays the groundwork for a diverse array of solutions tailored to individual customer needs. With a keen eye toward resource and energy efficiency, the institute directs its developments towards harnessing renewable and eco-friendly raw materials, mitigating the use of critical resources, and championing intelligent and sustainable processes.

In addition to contract research and development, ISC offers production-accompanying analysis and characterization, process optimization, equipment construction, and support in upscaling manufacturing and processing methods to pilot scale. Moreover, innovative recycling technologies and strategies for safeguarding valuable resources are actively pursued, positioning Fraunhofer ISC as a trusted partner for companies in product development endeavors and in ensuring quality and future sustainability.